NTI Courses Makeup Classes Online Safety Essentials – Module 2 Introduction to Coding with Java – Module 9 Introduction to Coding with Java – Module 8 Module 5: Investing & A Personal Investment Plan Module 4: Debt Financing Module 3: Saving for More Than a Rainy Day Module 2: Budgeting Introduction to Coding with Java – Module 7 Module 1: Personal Financial Management Introduction to Coding with Java – Module 6 Introduction to Coding with Java – Module 5 Beginners Sign Language – Module 8: Bringing it all together Beginners Sign Language – Module 7: Family Relationships & Colours Beginners Sign Language – Module 6: Time Beginners Sign Language – Module 5: Vocabulary Beginners Sign Language – Module 4: Signing Numbers Beginners Sign Language – Module 3: DO’s and DON’Ts when signing Introduction to Coding with Java – Module 3 Beginners Sign Language – Module 2: The Basics12