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Participant Feedback Charts

Chart Entry Reports

Participant Feedback Charts

How satisfied were with the trainer chart

A bar / column chart, values from 0 to the maximum value, with the following data: Dataset 1: Very satisfied: 637; Satisfied: 118; Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied: 7; Very Dissatisfied: 1; Dissatisfied: 0.

Overall Training To You? Chart

A bar / column chart, values from 0 to the maximum value, with the following data: Dataset 1: Extremely relevant: 473; Very relevant: 250; Somewhat relevant: 39; Not so relevant: 4; Not relevant at all: 0.

How satisfied were you with the training information? Chart

A bar / column chart, values from 0 to the maximum value, with the following data: Dataset 1: Very satisfied: 584; Satisfied: 172; Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied: 8; Very Dissatisfied: 0; Dissatisfied: 0.

How satisfied were you with the training environment? Chart

A bar / column chart, values from 0 to the maximum value, with the following data: Dataset 1: Very satisfied: 425; Satisfied: 307; Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied: 26; Very Dissatisfied: 3; Dissatisfied: 3.

How confident are you in applying the knowledge and skills learned during the training? Chart

A bar / column chart, values from 0 to the maximum value, with the following data: Dataset 1: Extremely confident: 391; Very confident: 308; Somewhat confident: 65; Slightly confident: 2; Not confident at all: 0.

Overall how would you rate your full experience with the entire training experience? Chart

A bar / column chart, values from 0 to the maximum value, with the following data: Dataset 1: Poor: 2; Very poor: 0; Fair: 16; Good: 124; Very good: 623.

Would you recommend this training to a colleague? Chart

A bar / column chart, values from 0 to the maximum value, with the following data: Dataset 1: Definitely yes: 667; Probably yes: 76; Not sure at all: 10; Probably no: 3; Definitely no: 0.

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