Looking to level up your interview and communication skills? Want to craft a standout resume and cover letter? Need those lifelong success skills to nail any job opportunity? Then NTI has you covered with free accredited courses! Gain certificates to showcase your newly acquired skills.

Testimonials - Learner Stories

Job Preparation Skills

Learn how to showcase your strengths and catch the eye of employers. You’ll gain strategic self-marketing skills to boost your resume, cover letters, interviews and networking.  

Courses for Job Preparation Skills

Build a Professional Resume using Canva

Accomplishment STAR Techniques for Job Interviews

Create a Profile and Network on LinkedIn

Create a Resume and Cover Letter with Google Docs

Accomplishment STAR Techniques for Job Interviews

Digital Footprint

Global Success Skills

Get ready to master essential job skills that you can take with you wherever you go, no matter what career path you choose. These skills will set you up for success in the workplace, while also instilling values as a global citizen of Barbados.

Courses for Global Success Skills

Citizenship - Being The Best Bajan

Effective Communication in the Globalised Workplace – The Capstone

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity

The entrepreneur’s guide for beginners

New Product Development For Small Businesses and Start-Ups

Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional

Business and Entrepreneurship Skills

Chart your own path to success with essential business skills. You’ll learn the ins and outs of business planning, and how to finance your business all while developing an innovative mindset that fuels your journey forward.

Courses for Business and Entrepreneurship Skills

NTI Entrepreneurship Course

Business Model Canvas: A Tool for Entrepreneurs and Innovators (Project-Centered Course)

Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset: First Step Towards Success

Our E-Learning Support Team is standing by to assist you on your learning journey

Encountered a difficulty with an NTI or Coursera course? Just getting started on our platform? Discovered a glitch or facing a problem? Require assistance with a course? Reach out to our E-learning Support Team for the necessary help.

Markiesha Alleyne

Lead, eLearning Experience and Innovation Hub

Taahir Bulbulia

LMS eLearner Support Advisor

Randy Clarke

Coursera eLearner Support

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