Beginners Sign Language


On finishing these group courses you will be issued with a Certificate of Completion

Who are these Courses For?

This course is for all Barbadians from 16 years and up.


In this highly practical course, Sign Language interpreter Bonnie Leonce who many of you will recognise from local media along with member of the Deaf community Lionel Smith, walks you through the fundamentals of American Sign Language (ASL). You will start with the basics such as the alphabet and counting to 10, moving your way through to days of the week and identifying colours. By the end of the course you will be able to sign simple sentences and give a personal introduction!

COURSE Modules

The topic begins with the Module 1 – what you need to know before starting. You must finish this before moving on to the other Modules. Each Module must be completed in order.

Having trouble with the course?

Request a Date for a Live Session

If you are having trouble with a specific module or lesson in the course, you can register to be notified when Bonnie is hosting a Live Sign Language Session. Just leave your details and we will email you with a date when Bonnie is hosting the next live session.

Please Note

This dynamic, interactive course incorporates live sessions with the course facilitator and links to webpages to further enhance your learning experience. Please note that these webpages may guide you away from the NTI main learning space and therefore regular internet charges will apply for those webpages.


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